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Total Enrolled

Prof A K M Fazlul Bari
Chief Medical Officer & Professor, NINMAS, BSMMU
Course Content
Module 1: Introduction to Thyroid Disorders
- Burden of thyroid disorders
- Anatomy of the thyroid gland
- Physiology of the thyroid gland
- Introduction to common thyroid disorders
- Pathophysiology of thyroid diseases
- Clinical assessment of thyroid disorders
- Acute thyroiditis/Hasimotos thyroiditis
- Laboratory evaluation of thyroid function
- Common imaging modalities of the thyroid
Module 2: Hypothyroidism
Module 3: Hyperthyroidism
- Definition and etiology of hyperthyroidism
- Clinical features and diagnosis of hyperthyroidism
- Management of hyperthyroidism (medical & RAI)
- Management of subclinical hyperthyroidism
- Management of Thyrotoxicosis in pregnancy
Module 4: Thyroid Nodule
- Approach to a patient with a thyroid nodule
- Thyroid cancer diagnosis and management
- Iodine deficiency disorders (Goitre)
- Non-thyroidal illness syndrome (NTIS)
Module 5: Thyroid disorders & other co-morbidities
- Diabetes and thyroid disorder
- CVD and thyroid disorder
- Congenital hypothyroidism
- Thyroid disease and infertility
- Thyroid disease in elderly