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Total Enrolled

Schedule Classes and Links

Lecture 1

Lecture 2

Prof A K M Fazlul Bari

Prof A K M Fazlul Bari

Chief Medical Officer & Professor, NINMAS, BSMMU

Course Content

Module 1: Introduction to Thyroid Disorders
  1. Burden of thyroid disorders
  2. Anatomy of the thyroid gland
  3. Physiology of the thyroid gland
  4. Introduction to common thyroid disorders
  5. Pathophysiology of thyroid diseases
  6. Clinical assessment of thyroid disorders
  7. Acute thyroiditis/Hasimotos thyroiditis
  8. Laboratory evaluation of thyroid function
  9. Common imaging modalities of the thyroid
Module 3: Hyperthyroidism
  1. Definition and etiology of hyperthyroidism
  2. Clinical features and diagnosis of hyperthyroidism
  3. Management of hyperthyroidism (medical & RAI)
  4. Management of subclinical hyperthyroidism
  5. Management of Thyrotoxicosis in pregnancy
Module 4: Thyroid Nodule
  1. Approach to a patient with a thyroid nodule
  2. Thyroid cancer diagnosis and management
  3. Iodine deficiency disorders (Goitre)
  4. Non-thyroidal illness syndrome (NTIS)
Module 5: Thyroid disorders & other co-morbidities
  1. Diabetes and thyroid disorder
  2. CVD and thyroid disorder
  3. Congenital hypothyroidism
  4. Thyroid disease and infertility
  5. Thyroid disease in elderly